Why Langkawi
Why should I register my yacht under Langkawi Flag?
Langkawi, Malaysia is fast becoming the vessel flag registration of choice for boat owners who are tired of dealing with the lengthy, expensive and complicated yacht registrations that are offered by their own countries. It does not matter in which country you are a resident or citizen, you can register in Langkawi within a few days and without spending extra cost and time on boat surveys.
Register in Langkawi as a private owner of your vessel or if you prefer you can register the ownership of the boat as a company. You do not need to setup a Malaysian company, just use a simple UK LTD or a Delaware LLC for example.
The Langkawi registry has also setup a real commercial yacht registry. It is an open registry that is open to individuals, joint owners, corporations, and yachting entities. It is for this reason that it is one of the fastest growing registries for commercial activities.
The paperwork needed to register in Langkawi is very simple. See our detailed list below and in most cases, we do not need a survey report. As soon as you send us the required documents and pictures we will start the registration process and this can be done in about 5 days.
The process of registering a boat in Langkawi is very similar to registering in the United Kingdom as most of the Malaysian maritime laws are copied from the UK.
What paperwork
do we require?
✔ Provide us with 3 name options for the boat, with most preferred name as your first option
✔ Clear color scanned copy of owner’s passport
✔ Pictures of yacht (bow, stern and port or starboard side)
✔ Bill of sale OR copy of Sales & Purchase agreement (with notary stamping)
✔ Builder’s certificate (FOR NEW BUILT YACHT ONLY)
✔ Agent appointment letter (to authorize/appoint us as your agent – download here)
✔ Existing or previous Registration Certificate
✔ Deletion Certificate (de-registration certificate)
✔ A copy of the Insurance Policy
✔ A picture of the carving marking is needed to get the original documents

Primary benefits of
Langkawi yacht registration
✔ Valid around the world
✔ In most cases no yacht survey is needed
✔ Your vessel never has to visit Langkawi or even Malaysia
✔ Low setup cost
✔ Fast setup time frame
✔ This is an international yacht flag registration valid around the world
✔ Your yacht can be registered as privately owned by a foreigner with any nationality
✔ Your yacht can be owned by an entity in another country like a UK LTD. or a Delaware LLC. This is great for boat owners who want to avoid liability or want privacy
✔ Langkawi has a good reputation and is white listed in IMO.
We’re happy to answer your questions and get you started! Get in touch with us